
The Mailgun API is built on HTTP. Our API is RESTful and it:

  • Uses predictable, resource-oriented URLs.
  • Uses built-in HTTP capabilities for passing parameters and authentication.
  • Responds with standard HTTP response codes to indicate errors.
  • Returns JSON.

Mailgun has published Libraries for various languages. You may use our libraries, or your favorite HTTP/REST library available for your programming language, to make HTTP calls to Mailgun. Visit our Libraries page to see HTTP REST libraries we recommend.

To give you an idea of how to use the API, we have annotated our documentation with code samples written in several popular programming languages. Use the language selector at the top to switch between them.

Our samples from Quickstart Guide, User Manual, and API Reference provide examples that will function. You’re welcome to copy/paste and run the script to see the API in action.

Base URL

All API calls referenced in our documentation start with a base URL. Mailgun allows the ability to send and receive email in either our US region or our EU region. Be sure to use the appropriate base URL based on which region you’ve created your domain in.

It’s also important to note that Mailgun uses URI versioning for our API endpoints, and some endpoints may have different versions than others. Please reference the version stated in the URL for each endpoint.

For domains created in our US region the base URL is:

For domains created in our EU region the base URL is:

Your Mailgun account may contain multiple sending domains. To avoid passing the domain name as a query parameter, most API URLs must include the name of the domain you’re interested in:


Authentication to the Mailgun API is done by providing an Authorization header using HTTP Basic Auth; use api as the username and your API key as the password. Mailgun provides two types of API keys for authenticating against the API:

Primary account API key

When you sign up for Mailgun, we generate a primary account API key. This key allows you to perform all CRUD operations via our various API endpoints and for any of your sending domains. To view your primary account API key, in the Mailgun dashboard click on Settings on the left-hand nav in the Mailgun dashboard and then API Keys and click on the eye icon next to Private API key.

Domain Sending Keys

Domain Sending Keys are API keys that only allow sending messages via a POST call on our /messages and /messages.mime endpoints for the domain in which they are created for. In order to create a sending API key:

  • Click on the Sending drawer on the left-hand side of the Mailgun dashboard
  • Click on Domains, select the domain in which you wish to add a sending key to
  • Click on Domain Settings and navigate to the Sending API keys tab
  • Click on Add Sending Key
  • Give your key a suitable description (such as the name of the application or client you’re creating the key for) and click Create Sending Key
  • Copy your sending API key and keep it in a safe place. For security purposes, we will not be able to show you the key again. If you lose your key, you will need to create a new key.

Here is how you use basic HTTP auth with curl:

curl --user 'api:YOUR_API_KEY'


Keep your API key secret!

Date Format

Mailgun returns JSON for all API calls. JSON does not have a built-in date type, dates are passed as strings encoded according to RFC 2822#page-14. This format is native to JavaScript and is also supported by most programming languages out of the box:

'Thu, 13 Oct 2011 18:02:00 +0000'


Abbreviated timezones like (EST, CET, IST, HLC) may not result in the correct offset due to the ambiguous nature of abbreviated timezones. The numerical offset (+0500) or GMT/UTC is preferred.

Status codes

Mailgun returns standard HTTP response codes.

Code Description
200 Everything worked as expected
400 Bad Request - Often missing a required parameter
401 Unauthorized - No valid API key provided
402 Request Failed - Parameters were valid but request failed
404 Not Found - The requested item doesn’t exist
413 Request Entity Too Large - Attachment size is too big
429 Too many requests - An API request limit has been reached
500, 502, 503, 504 Server Errors - Something is wrong on Mailgun’s end


Mailgun can also POST data to your application when events (opens, clicks, bounces, etc.) occur or when you use Routes. You can read more about Webhooks and Routes in the User Manual.

Mailgun Regions

Using a single account and billing plan, you can choose to provision new sending domains in the EU environment. Message data never leaves the region in which it is processed. Only a limited amount of account data is replicated globally, giving you a single account from which to manage domains in both the US and the EU. Here are the specifics on the type of data that is replicated globally versus what is region-bound.

Global Region-Bound (US / EU)
Account Information, User Accounts, Billing Details (invoices/plan information), API Keys, Domain Names Domain Metadata (e.g. SMTP credentials), Messages, Event Logs, Suppressions, Mailing Lists, Tags, Statistics, Routes, IP Addresses

Below are the endpoints you will use for sending/receiving/tracking messages in the EU:

Service US Endpoint EU Endpoint
Outgoing SMTP Server
Inbound SMTP Server (Routes)
Inbound SMTP Server (Routes)
Open/Click Tracking Endpoint

Postman Integration

Mailgun has a Postman Collection available for quick and easy exercise of our REST-based APIs. Included in the collection is a Mailgun Environment for easy changing of domains, regions and API keys. Use the button below for easy import into Postman. Don’t have Postman? Click here.

Read more about Mailgun and Postman on our blog.